These patriotic RED (see what I did there?) hot mittens are all the buzz- haven't you heard? The fleece-lined mitts make great stocking-stuffers and are flying off shelves countrywide. And why wouldn't they? At $10 CAD a pair, I regret not buying more.
I've been wanting them for weeks and they've been sold out at every Bay store...UNTIL TODAY. I found a pair and snapped them up instantly. P even managed to score a S/M size for himself (S/M sizes are REALLY rare).
Run, don't walk.
why would you want to support an enteprise such as the olympics which basically runs on the tenets of capitalism and financially RUINS cities?
especially the Vancouver olympics considering the really shady shit that they've been doing to make the city "Olympic ready"?
but seriously. the olympics are fucked.
Those poor kids that made these probably can't even read "Vancouver"...
are they actually warm?
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